Impresora de código de barras sin respuesta a cómo resolver el problema de los dispositivos de impresión
When using bar code printer, send the print command, the corresponding phenomenon, if can't see the following methods: 1, using the wrong print port or port Settings has a problem, check the port Settings are accurate, bar code printer communication parameters are set as printed in the program.
2, observe the indicator lights on the panel, if the light is, need to check the label paper, ribbon and check the head, and keys to try to solve the above phenomenon.
3, if set the print command, the bar code printer have corresponding action, but the ribbon and label paper not to move forward, is the machine failure, need to contact the supplier in time.
Please according to the analysis of the following ideas for processing: hardware and a connection error bar code printer no response, please check the end of the bar code printer and computer cable, power cord is connected correctly, the power switch is on.
Second, bar code printer is in error, please according to the error of hint accordingly.
Three, bar code printer is offline or suspend 1, click the start menu bar, computer equipment and bar code printer, access equipment and bar code printer interface.
2, click install good G series bar code printer icon, and then right click to see what is printing now.
If the driver appear as offline using the print task status.
Please click on the menu bar bar code printers, remove offline use print options.
3, click install good barcode printer type icon, and then right click to see what is printing now.
If appear as suspend print mission in the drive.
Please click on the bar code printer bar menu (
Figure 3)
To remove the suspended print option to hang up.
4, suspend print four, port 1, drive the wrong port selection, choose the correct ports can be 2, bar code printer is not recognize, commonly used have a USB port, LPT parallel, serial port, so the four, meantime USB use most, LPT parallel port in the old type of bar code printers and industrial machine with more.
Today's minicomputer use mostly port is a USB port.