Impresora de código de barras _ Equipo de impresión mantenimiento diario y método de mantenimiento
Summary introduction: label bar code printers, daily maintenance and maintenance regularly, in order to guarantee the quality of bar code printer and good performance for a long time.
Label bar code printer is a kind of special printers, bar code label printer maintenance and regular maintenance, in order to guarantee the quality of bar code printer and good performance for a long time, the bar code takeaway: bar code label printer maintenance and regular maintenance, to ensure the quality of the bar code printer and good performance for a long time.
Label bar code printer is a kind of special printers, bar code label printer maintenance and regular maintenance, to ensure the quality of the bar code printer and good performance for a long time, the more frequently the barcode printers use, the more the often clean.
Cleaning the print head to regular sex regularly clean the print head, can use cotton swabs and alcohol cleaning tools.
Turn off the power of the bar code printer, please keep the same direction when wiping (
To avoid back and forth to wipe dirt residues)
, will be the print head, remove the foil, paper label, with dip cotton swabs with the print head cleaning fluid (
Or cotton)
, gently clean the print head until clean.
After gently wipe with a clean cotton print head.
Keep the print head clean way can get good printing effect, extend the service life of the print head is the most important thing.
Rubber roller cleaning and maintenance to regular sex regularly clean the glue stick bar code printer, can use cotton swabs and alcohol cleaning tool, keep the rubber roller clean, also is in order to get good printing effect, and extend the life of the print head.
In the process of printing label paper will leave a little a lot of powder on glue stick, if not timely cleaning, will hurt the print head;
Glue stick with for a long time, if you have some uneven wear or affect printing and damage the print head.
After cleaning the print head cleaning roller, with cotton swabs dipped 75% alcohol (
Or cotton)
Cleaning roller.
Method is the roll by hand, while scrubbing, after being a clean, dry.
The above two steps of cleaning intervals are generally three days, if the barcode printers use frequently, best once a day.
Transmission system clean and clean inside the case for general label paper stickers, the glue is easy to stick on the drive shaft and channels, plus there are dust, directly affect the print effect, therefore, needs to clean frequently.
Usually once a week, method is to use dip with alcohol swabs (
Or cotton)
Scrub each drive shaft, the surface of the channel, and the dust inside the case, after clean, dry.
Sensor cleaning to keep the sensor clean only measuring the carbon paper error or errors will not occur.
Sensors including labeling of ribbon sensor and the sensor, its position see specifications, generally once every three months to six months to clean, the method is to use soak with alcohol swab swab sensor head, clean, dry.
Into the clean paper guide groove guide groove, generally there will be no big problem, but sometimes people or label quality problem caused by label stick in the guide groove inside, it is to clean it in time.
Generally in a 10 - temperature
Between 24 can't is too high, otherwise easy to reduce the service life of the print head, pay attention to the collocation of carbon belt and labels, generally is coated with wax base carbon belt, synthetic paper with half a tree or the tree carbon belt.
In addition, the label paper pay attention to keep flat, do not make its rugged, otherwise, the print head is easy to wear.
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